Enriching Your
Love Life

Time for a tune-up?

Perhaps you are in a committed or long-term relationship, but things just aren’t what they used to be.

Maybe it’s time for a tune-up or an infusion of new growth.

Maybe things have become a little flat or stale, and you want to get the spice back.

Maybe recurring arguments are flaring up; you know you need to address them, but you’re not sure how.

Or maybe it’s just life transitions that have absorbed your attention – adjusting to parenthood, dealing with promotions or layoffs, overcoming health concerns, becoming empty nesters, losing parents or other loved ones – and more.

Move to a better place in your relationship.

I will offer you the support to propel you to the next level of intimacy, passion and harmony.

Our work together will help you stay connected through the difficult times when you need each other most, instead of letting them pull you apart.

Make the most of your relationship.

Get ready. Together, we’re going to do some challenging, but ultimately rewarding, work.

You’ll learn how to empty your “emotional jugs” with one another, so that your anger, fear and pain are not obscuring your love and passion.

You’ll have the opportunity to update your expectations regarding your roles, responsibilities and priorities so that you are on the same page. It may be important to re-assess your values and sense of purpose, so you can calibrate your life trajectory to bring you greater fulfillment.

You’ll find out how to bridge possible differences in desire and expand your range of sensual pleasure.

Together, we will work through areas where you’ve given up asking each other for something that matters, succumbing to resignation.

Smart. Supportive. Skilled. Stronger than before.

Wherever you are in your relationship, you can make it better. You’re committed to each other – now, make the commitment to revitalize your love!

Reach out now at (303) 946-6030 for a free consultation, and let’s get started!